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Poland (Vilna Archives) Collection. Posters.
Poland (Vilna Archives) Collection. Posters.
Posters advertising political organizations, elections, banks, trade unions, cultural activities, religious matters, and sports, from over 200 Jewish communities
Warsaw. Appeal/exhortation to contribute and collect money to buy land in Palestine, 5/1924.
RG 28/P/703
Warsaw. Award certificate of the Warsaw chapter of Gviazda.
RG 28/P/328
Warsaw. Become a member of Shtern.
RG 28/P/320
Warsaw. Call for a day of protest against the curtailment of free immigration to Palestine, 5/11/[1932].
RG 28/P/968
Warsaw. Coming soon: a large sports competition involving all of the Jewish proletarian sports clubs.
RG 28/P/304
Warsaw. Elections for delegates to the Workers' Congress for the Struggle Against Anti-Semitism.
RG 28/P/72
Warsaw. Everyone is Voting for Number 15.
RG 28/P/296
Warsaw. Hebrew Book Exhibition, 1914-1924.
RG 28/P/770
Warsaw. Informational program/celebration, in conjunction with the information drive of the trade union movement.
RG 28/P/947
Warsaw. Jewish Brethren! Election platform.
RG 28/P/293
Warsaw. Jewish workers and clerks should fight for their right to work.
RG 28/P/1121
Warsaw. Lecture on: "The Tragedy of the Modern Woman."
RG 28/P/545
Warsaw. Mass meetings dedicated to the kehile elections.
RG 28/P/292
Warsaw. Memorial proclamation and appeal for support in the wake of fighting between Jews and Arabs in Palestine.
RG 28/P/768
Warsaw. Notice to citizens with relatives abroad to contact them through their local HIAS committee.
RG 28/P/868
Warsaw. Performances in honor of the first congress of the Jewish Autonomous Region, Birobidzan.
RG 28/P/1101
Warsaw. Pre-election meetings sponsored by the Bund and their locations.
RG 28/P/256
Warsaw. Program commemorating the 10th anniversary of the youth division of the Garment Industry Workers' Union.
RG 28/P/954
Warsaw. Protest meeting against the British government's limitation on Jewish immigration to Palestine.
RG 28/P/967
Warsaw. Protest meeting on the "closing of the gates of Palestine to halutz aliyah."
RG 28/P/966
Warsaw. Rabbinical appeal for religious Jews to join the
a Religious Zionist organization.
RG 28/P/682
Warsaw. Reasons for the establishment of the General Bloc for the elections to the Sejm and Senate.
RG 28/P/1329
Warsaw. Recruitment poster for the Zionist Youth Organization Hekhalutz.
RG 28/P/391
Warsaw. Registration for summer camp, and exhortation to sign up, 6/15-8/1/1937.
RG 28/P/890
Warsaw. Save! Deposit your money in the Jewish People's Bank!
RG 28/P/888
Warsaw. Schedule of outings and tours for January 1930.
RG 28/P/894
Warsaw. Special gathering of manufacturing employees, 9/2.
RG 28/P/974
Warsaw. The events of the 1st All-Regional Shtern Games.
RG 28/P/323
Warsaw. The first Shtern games/conference in Poland.
RG 28/P/319
Warsaw. The opening match of the soccer season, between the SKRA and Gwiazda teams.
RG 28/P/314
Warsaw. Twelve mass rallies before the City Council elections.
RG 28/P/1336
Warsaw. Two rallies before the City Council elections.
RG 28/P/1335
Warsaw. Vote for slate "17."
RG 28/P/294
Warsaw. Warning to prospective emigrants NOT to travel to Warsaw to arrange for emigration.
RG 28/P/865
Warsaw. Worker - Your Newspaper is the
RG 28/P/756
Wierzbnik. Appeal to the Jewish population to vote for Ballot #1.
RG 28/P/1122
Wlocklawek. A masked ball with the Makabi Orchestra.
RG 28/P/986
Wloclawek. Yiddish writer/dramatist Peretz Hirschbein to visit.
RG 28/P/504
Wloclawek. A lecture on the latest events in Palestine.
RG 28/P/990
Wloclawek. A Sholem Aleichem program.
RG 28/P/902
Wloclawek. Announcement of a boxing match: Rotholc vs. Grabowski. No year given.
RG 28/P/989
Wloclawek. Announcement of May Day gathering and ceremony in Ochronka Hall, [1920's - 1930's].
RG 28/P/16
Wloclawek. Lecture on: "From Balfour Declaration To Zionist Certificate."
RG 28/P/1933
Wloclawek. Lecture: Lecture on Baruch Spinoza.
RG 28/P/543
Wloclawek. Lectures: "What Can Each of Us Do For the Jewish Scientific Institute?", by Sh. Winter, J. M. Zylberberg and M. Alman, 9/16/[1933].
RG 28/P/903
Wloclawek. Tenth anniversary celebration of the Makabi Gymnastics and Sports Association.
RG 28/P/991
Wlodzimierz. 3 events for Hechalutz youth.
RG 28/P/973
Wlodzimierz. A lecture: "The Abyss Between Writer and Reader."
RG 28/P/287
Wlodzimierz. A lecture: "The God-Seekers: on the Byways of Life."
RG 28/P/445
Wlodzimierz. Citizens should contribute to the National Loan [bond] campaign.
RG 28/P/450
Wlodzimierz. On the 10th anniversary of the Polish victory in the Russo-Polish War.
RG 28/P/451
Wlodzimierz. A ball in Town Magistrate Hall, to benefit a dental clinic.
RG 28/P/161
Wlodzimierz. A Hanukah evening with declamation, drama and dance.
RG 28/P/963
Wlodzimierz. A lecture by I. Heftman, editor of "Hajom."
RG 28/P/444
Wlodzimierz. A lecture: "Erotica, Egoism, and Personality."
RG 28/P/442
Wlodzimierz. A lecture: "Hypnotism, Spiritism, Suggestion and Auto-Suggestion ...."
RG 28/P/443
Wlodzimierz. A lecture: "Tuberculosis and the Fight Against It."
RG 28/P/160
Wlodzimierz. A rally protesting the limitation of Jewish immigration to Palestine.
RG 28/P/1125
Wlodzimierz. Observe the name-day of Marshal Jozef Pilsudski.
RG 28/P/449
Wlodzimierz. Resolution to support Poland's right of access to the Baltic Sea.
RG 28/P/452
Wlodzimierz. Two lectures by Dr. Fogelson.
RG 28/P/162
Zgierz. Performance of K. Guckow's 5-act tragedy "Uriel Akosta."
RG 28/P/981
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