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Poland (Vilna Archives) Collection. Posters.
Poland (Vilna Archives) Collection. Posters.
Posters advertising political organizations, elections, banks, trade unions, cultural activities, religious matters, and sports, from over 200 Jewish communities
Vilna. "Revenge Match," two soccer matches between Makabi and Lauda.
RG 28/P/982
Vilna. "Support Keren Ha'aliyah," fundraising appeal, [1919].
RG 28/P/638
Vilna. "Support the Jewish Gymnastics and Sports Movement." Undated.
RG 28/P/983
Vilna. "Support the University in Jerusalem."
RG 28/P/494
Vilna. "The Worker in Eretz Israel Calls the Khalutz"; support Keren He-Khalutz, [1919].
RG 28/P/643
Vilna. "To All Citizens From Vilna and Environs," an appeal for support for slate #3.
RG 28/P/996
Vilna. A celebration in honor of the 70th birthday of Dr. Max Nordau.
RG 28/P/19
Vilna. A celebration to honor the arrival of a delegation from Palestine.
RG 28/P/88
Vilna. A charity concert for emigrants to Palestine.
RG 28/P/1010
Vilna. A day of fund-raising for Keren Hakhalutz, and an appeal for public support.
RG 28/P/583
Vilna. A day of street fundraising for the Central Education Committee's endeavors.
RG 28/P/1114
Vilna. A fundraising event for OZE.
RG 28/P/561
Vilna. A gathering to commemorate the 17th anniversary of the death of Dr. Theodore Herzl.
RG 28/P/90
Vilna. A lecture by Z. Kleinszteyn reporting on his visit to Palestine, 6/7/.
RG 28/P/1245
Vilna. A lecture entitled "The Duty of a Son of Israel in Rebuilding the land of his Future."
RG 28/P/1247
Vilna. A lecture on: "The Tragedy of Judaism."
RG 28/P/511
Vilna. A meeting to create a Yiddish art theater in Vilna.
RG 28/P/1196
Vilna. A memorial evening in observance of the 30-day anniversary of death of Sh. Ansky.
RG 28/P/636
Vilna. A memorial gathering for Zionist writer/philosopher Dr. Nachman Syrkin.
RG 28/P/89
Vilna. A memorial gathering marking the death of Yiddish writer Mendele Moykher Sforim.
RG 28/P/512
Vilna. A pre-election meeting of the Jewish National Bloc, slate #3.
RG 28/P/1270
Vilna. A pre-election meeting organized by the Jewish Democratic Party, slate #5.
RG 28/P/1258
Vilna. A program honoring 20 years of literary achievement by writer Joel Mastbaum.
RG 28/P/515
Vilna. A public debate on the Fund for the Sick, with Dr. Cemach Szabad.
RG 28/P/524
Vilna. A speech, entitled, "What I heard and saw in Eretz Israel."
RG 28/P/95
Vilna. A welcoming ceremony for the president of the Jewish National Fund, M. M. Ussishkin.
RG 28/P/633
Vilna. Agudath Israel call for unity, signed/issued by R. Yisroel Meir Hacohen of Radun.
RG 28/P/678
Vilna. All telephone owners must bring their telephones to the Military Telephone/Telegraph office within 3 days.
RG 28/P/531
Vilna. An appeal in support of the Jewish committee to help the unemployed.
RG 28/P/1257
Vilna. An election meeting under the banner of Workers' and Peasants' Unity.
RG 28/P/1201
Vilna. An evening of readings by the Hebrew poetess Elisheva.
RG 28/P/901
Vilna. An evening program in memory of early Bundist leader Bronislaw Grosser ["Zelcer"].
RG 28/P/510
Vilna. An order requisitioning all rubber tires, and requiring registration of all automobiles, motorcycles, and bicycles.
RG 28/P/534
Vilna. An outing and fair in the Bernardiner Garden, in honor of the founding of Rishon le-tsion.
RG 28/P/81
Vilna. Anniversary of a debate about the game of soccer, with representatives of OZE.
RG 28/P/1000
Vilna. Announcement of "Pupils' Day" performances.
RG 28/P/630
Vilna. Announcement of "School Week," with concerts, lectures and other presentations.
RG 28/P/627
Vilna. Announcement of a 20th anniversary jubilee exhibition and bazaar.
RG 28/P/995
Vilna. Announcement of a fundraising day for Keren Hakhalutz under the slogan, "Our Liberator is the Khalutz."
RG 28/P/589
Vilna. Announcement of a gala "Palestine evening" to coincide with Hanukah, 1918.
RG 28/P/93
Vilna. Announcement of a gathering of the people, called by the Zionist Organization.
RG 28/P/85
Vilna. Announcement of a Hanukah evening program.
RG 28/P/509
Vilna. Announcement of a lecture "Where Can Jews Emigrate?" by M. Krymski.
RG 28/P/517
Vilna. Announcement of a lecture by Nahum Sokolow.
RG 28/P/5
Vilna. Announcement of fundraising for the cultural and educational institutions, [1920].
RG 28/P/632
Vilna. Announcement of gymnastic performances with orchestra, 4/2/1923.
RG 28/P/987
Vilna. Announcement of soccer games, Makabi vs. "Ognisko", 8/24 and 8/25/[ no year given].
RG 28/P/988
Vilna. Announcement of the "Day of the Wounded and Sick Red Army Soldiers," [1919].
RG 28/P/726
Vilna. Announcement of the beginning of a fundraising drive for the
in the Vilna region.
RG 28/P/685
Vilna. Announcement of the election meeting, and speakers.
RG 28/P/1061
Vilna. Announcement of the establishment of a temporary city government.
RG 28/P/1279
Vilna. Announcement of the political platform of slate #2, [1934].
RG 28/P/1255
Vilna. Announcement of the publication of the monthly "Hamizrach."
RG 28/P/684
Vilna. Announcement of the resumption of publication of '
Unzer Shtime'
, organ of the Vilna Committee of the Jewish Labor Bund, 8/13.
RG 28/P/719
Vilna. Announcement of three soccer matches.
RG 28/P/985
Vilna. Announcement: "A concert and meeting dedicated to the "Labor-Shekel."
RG 28/P/602
Vilna. Announcement: day of fundraising for Keren Hechalutz, 5/5/[1920].
RG 28/P/1113
Vilna. Annual chemists' and agronomists' dance, 2/18/1938.
RG 28/P/537
Vilna. Appeal by the Jewish merchants to vote for slate #3 for the election to the City Council.
RG 28/P/1274
Vilna. Appeal for financial support for the
and its efforts in Palestine.
RG 28/P/686
Vilna. Appeal to Jewish voters to vote for ballot #33.
RG 28/P/1092
Vilna. Appeal to Jewish women to vote for ballot #3.
RG 28/P/1176
Vilna. Appeal to Jewish women to vote for ballot #30 [Jewish Women's List].
RG 28/P/1064
Vilna. Appeal to the population of the Vilna region to register and vote.
RG 28/P/635
Vilna. Appeal to vote for ballot #4, which fights for the right to work.
RG 28/P/1191
Vilna. Appeal to vote for Dr. Wygodzki on slate #17, [1930].
RG 28/P/1199
Vilna. Appeal: everybody is voting for Ballot #8 (The Jewish National Slate).
RG 28/P/1117
Vilna. Athletic event/celebration on the 150th anniversary of U. S. independence.
RG 28/P/984
Vilna. Bazaar to benefit the school, 1/12/1918.
RG 28/P/879
Vilna. Bloc of National Minorities mass meeting for slate #18.
RG 28/P/1260
Vilna. Buy the Committee's labels, in support of their agenda.
RG 28/P/1007
Vilna. Celebration of 20th anniversary of the Socialist-Zionist youth movement.
RG 28/P/908
Vilna. Collections to benefit cultural and educational institutions.
RG 28/P/629
Vilna. Courses offered by Tarbut, the People's University.
RG 28/P/558
Vilna. Election poster for slate #23.
RG 28/P/1203
Vilna. Election poster for slate no. 1.
RG 28/P/598
Vilna. Election poster for the list of the Socialist Left, #34.
RG 28/P/1205
Vilna. Election poster of the "Bund" and trade unions.
RG 28/P/1198
Vilna. Evening courses in proper public Torah reading and cantillation.
RG 28/P/1018
Vilna. Exhortation to parents to take an active role in their children's education.
RG 28/P/1161
Vilna. Five pre-election mass meetings for the election of National Jewish Bloc, slate #24, to the Senate.
RG 28/P/1204
Vilna. Lecture on: "Scarlet Fever and How to Fight It."
RG 28/P/998
Vilna. Lecture on: "A Month in Palestine, [Impressions of a Journey]."
RG 28/P/526
Vilna. Lecture on: "British Colonial Policy in the Near East."
RG 28/P/706
Vilna. Lecture on: "Bundism, Folkism, and Zionism."
RG 28/P/921
Vilna. Lecture on: "Crisis or Renewal (Current Pressing Questions in Jewish Culture)."
RG 28/P/557
Vilna. Lecture on: "Love and Marriage from a Social and Medical Standpoint."
RG 28/P/521
Vilna. Lecture on: "The Domestic and Foreign Policy of Russia, During the Entire Period of the Revolution."
RG 28/P/776
Vilna. Lecture on: "The Meaning and Significance of Dreams (according to modern psychology)."
RG 28/P/556
Vilna. Lecture on: "The Phases of Peretz' Creativity."
RG 28/P/538
Vilna. Lecture on: "Towards a New Epoch in Poland."
RG 28/P/529
Vilna. Lecture on: Where and How the Jewish Style is Being Created.
RG 28/P/555
Vilna. Lecture series on the Talmud.
RG 28/P/523
Vilna. Lecture: "Anatole France", by A. Litwak [Khayim Yankl Helfand], 10/24/[1924].
RG 28/P/1012
Vilna. Lecture: "Our New Literature in Eretz Israel."
RG 28/P/771
Vilna. Lecture: "The Peace Conference in Riga" by B. Zinger, Secretary of the Folkist Party in Poland, 12/7.
RG 28/P/710
Vilna. Lecture: "The Struggle for Blue-White Zionism" by Wlodzimierz (Ze'ev) Zabotynski (Jabotinsky).
RG 28/P/909
Vilna. Lecture: "The Two Languages of Our People" by Sh. Rozenboym, 8/19.
RG 28/P/707
Vilna. Lectures on "Remarque and his work 'All Quiet On the Western Front' ."
RG 28/P/516
Vilna. Lectures on: "Experimental Psychology, " and: "The National Movement Among Jews."
RG 28/P/551
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